Monday, May 23, 2011

Hodge Podge and Hedge Hogs

Man, I thought law school was hectic, but apparently being a law school graduate is even worse! And so, in no particular order, here are the random things I've been thinking of/dealing with/worrying about lately:

- I am officially a law school graduate! Well, not quite officially. I'm still waiting on 3 grades, but they're not the 3 grades I was worried about. So, at the risk of tempting fate, I am officially Gidget, J.D.
- My hip hurts when I walk but NOT when I run. Fascinating? Sure. Frustrating? Absolutely.
- Between my emotional upheaval/finals/stress/accidentally buying a graduation dress that was too small, I've lost a ton of weight recently [I'm working on a separate post]. Awesome things? Being skinny. Not awesome things? Burning less calories than I used to. It used to be great to see a number on the treadmill display and think, "Now I can eat X." I now have to run more or eat less. Obnoxious.
- Bar studying sucks. Really, really sucks.
- I'm trying to get into a routine: Class in the morning, run, lunch and then the library till i die. The only problem is I HATE showering at the gym. Not just because it's slightly gross. The logistics are so unbelievably annoying. I always forget a towel or my flip flops or my shampoo. Then I have to worry about what to do with all of my wet clothes. Gross. But when I come home after the gym I never leave [case in point: I've been trying to get to the library for 3 hours now]. Have I mentioned bar studying sucks?
- I painted a fake toenail on my stump of a toe. It only looks moderately awkward.
- I still have no job and no apartment. I should probably get on that.
- I'm excited to start marathon training, but I'm also really nervous about trying to squeeze everything in.
- I'm spending a ton of time in the library and I need to start bringing more snacks. Twice last week I had to leave because by 8:30 I was too hungry to concentrate. I bought apples, hummus, blueberries, almonds and Cliff bars for kids [did you know they make them? They're smaller than regular cliff bars, which is great because I can never finish those and I feel like they're a little too calorie heavy for a mid-day snack].

Anyone have any other delicious, healthy snack options? How do you deal with the logistical nightmare of a midday workout?

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